
KOSTELAR Limited Liability Company for Manufacturing

Abbreviated name: KOSTELAR d.o.o.
Registered office: Ulica Josipa Štruka 3, Pregrada, Croatia
Registered with the Commercial Court in Zagreb
MBS (Registration Number): 080246638
OIB (Personal Identification Number): 81619090993
Share capital: EUR 377,670.00, fully paid
Management Board: Tomislav Štruk, Vladimir Štruk and Krešimir Štruk
Transaction account: IBAN HR3623400091110739306, SWIFT PBZGHR2X, opened with Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.
Transaction account: IBAN HR4223600001101409976, SWIFT ZABAHR2X, opened with Zagrebačka banka d.d., Zagreb.